College and Career Navigator Training

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World Education's National College Transition Network (NCTN) is a nationally-recognized leader in developing the role of college and career navigators and career coaches and programming that foster student persistence and success. Hundreds of frontline staff and administrators in adult education, postsecondary education and workforce developmentprograms have particiated in our our face-to-face and online training programs. The training supports statewide scale-up of career pathways and integrated education and training initiatives. We also offer training for trainers for states and institutions scaling up a navigator or coach initiative.Numerous state and national partners have funded this work through grants and technical assistance contracts.

For example, NCTN developed a Career Coach Certification Online Course for the Virginia Community College System to standardize approaches to coaching across all college access grant programs. To date, over four hundred career coaches have completed the course. Read about the Virginia Career Coach Certification Program.


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