World Education Gender Gap Study Cited in The Atlantic

October 2nd, 2017 | News

World Education’s research on education in Jordan has been featured in The Atlantic in an article by Amanda Ripley that examines the gender gap in education in the Middle East, “Boys Are Not Defective.”

The article looks at many of the reasons why girls perform better than boys in schools across the Middle East. An in-depth World Education study of the gender gap in education in Jordanian schools informed the article.

The World Education study, conducted in collaboration with the National Center for Human Resources Development (NCHRD), was a component of the USAID-funded Monitoring & Evaluation Partnership project.

The World Education/NCHRD study identifies a variety of factors, such as school, teacher, and student characteristics, that might affect male and female student achievement differently. Moreover, it directly informs national and school-based reform plans to ensure quality education for all students in Jordan, irrespective of gender.

Read the article in The Atlantic and World Education’s study, Gender Gap in Student Achievement in Jordan Study report.

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