Okard Means Opportunity


In Laos, persons with disabilities experience barriers that hinder their full participation in society, often resulting in lower school attendance rates, lower living standards, and community stigmatization.

For disabled people living in poverty, accessing critical social services becomes that much harder. The barriers that limit their inclusion in society are not only economic, but physical.

World Education’s USAID Okard project is partnering with the Lao government to improve the well-being of persons with disabilities. The project creates access to quality healthcare and sustainable economic opportunities that will help lift them above the poverty line.

Okard is assisting persons with disabilities with the start up or scale up costs of a small entrepreneurial activity, such as raising livestock, chickens, cultivating a vegetable farm or opening a hairdressing business.

The project also encourages people to start building savings, which will enable ultra-poor to cope with unexpected events such as funerals, hospitalization, or natural disasters that would create a catastrophic out-of-pocket expense.

To offset the pressure of a new business on their household, the Okard team hopes to supply 180 families with 40 kilos (about 88 pounds) of rice. This amount of rice can feed a family of four adults for two months.

This will help alleviate the financial pressures that a new business exerts on poor entrepreneurs with disabilities, and allow them to start saving.

The 180 households that will receive rice will also be supported in growing their small business.

In order to provide rice to the most vulnerable beneficiaries of the Okard project, World Education needs to raise a total of $9000.


To meet our $9,000 goal, we’re asking
our community for help.

Will you join our mission to empower
entrepreneurs with disabilities in
getting their business off the ground?

To make a donation, please select
“Donate to a specific project” and write “Okard.”
