USAID Okard Project Celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities

January 4th, 2021 | News

World Education’s USAID Okard project in Lao PDR celebrated the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, 2020, emphasizing the importance of the theme, ‘Not All Disabilities are Visible.’

The day’s activities focused on building awareness and understanding that many disabilities may not be apparent, such as mental illness, sight and hearing impairment, and learning disabilities, among others. The US Ambassador to Lao PDR, Peter Haymond, accompanied by his wife and a USAID delegation, paid his first visit to the Association for Autism (AfA), witnessing student activities firsthand while experimenting with the Autism Talks Application, which helps develop students’ cognitive and communication skills.

On December 5, the Disability Service Center (DSC) hosted an event at the Vientiane Center, focusing on increasing positive acknowledgement of people with disabilities in Laos and promoting disability inclusivity policies so that no person is left behind. Participants were able to learn more about the work to support people with disabilities, and gain new perspectives on people living with both visible and invisible disabilities.

Each of these events exemplifies the work accomplished year round by World Education’s USAID Okard project to support disability inclusive development, aiming to reduce barriers in the daily lives of people with disabilities by improving accessibility, sharing information, raising awareness, and strengthening government health systems and social services coordination.

Read the Facebook posts about the events

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