New Video Shows Impact of STAGE Project on Girls’ Education in Ghana

October 4th, 2021 | Stories

18 year old Mary was 16 when she left school and became pregnant. Her mother passed away when she was young and her father was not in her life, so she needed a plan for the future that would allow her to support herself and her family. Today, she is making bags, necklaces, sandals, and earrings to sell and generate income with the beading skills she gained through the Strategic Approaches to Girls’ Education (STAGE) project.

Mary is one of 23 girls benefitting from literacy and numeracy lessons and vocational training this year through the STAGE project. World Education, in partnership with local NGO partners, is working to reduce barriers to education for vulnerable girls in seven regions of Ghana. Formal and non-formal tracks provide pathways for girls between 10 and 19 years of age to practice literacy and numeracy, reenter into formal schooling, learn job and life skills, and launch businesses.

“The unique thing about STAGE is that it focuses on marginalized girls who live in very hard to reach areas in the country.” -Susan Adu-Aryee, Country Director World Education Ghana

World Education supports over 17,000 girls in Ghana to take the STAGE and shine.

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